How to Meet New Friends While Traveling

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how to meet friends while traveling
Whether you’re traveling solo or not, you will always be faced with this one decision. To interact with new people, or to not interact?
Now, I don’t mean talking in general. A simple wave and “how about that weather?” while riding an elevator is not the interaction I am talking about. I mean ACTUAL conversations. Conversations where you start to get to know someone, the conversations that may lead to hanging out later or following each other on social media or exchanging WhatsApps. I mean interactions that lead to friendships.
How do you meet new friends while traveling??
Well, to make this a super short post, the answer is simple. Talk to people. BUT, you guys know I’m terrible at making things short, SO I’M GONNA SPEND A COUPLE MORE PARAGRAPHS TALKING ABOUT IT! To help me out, I’ve enlisted the help of my good friend Tosin, from tosinfinityandbeyond! We’re practically the complete opposites when it comes to meeting new people while traveling haha. Give her the warmest of welcomes!
tosinfinityndbeyond profile
Tosin – you know her and love her as the beautiful heart behind IG: @tosinfinityandbeyond. She is the seasoned expert at making friends everywhere she goes
And then there’s me. If you’re new to my blog, hi, I’m Kay, the Awkward Traveller. I am neither an expert or seasoned at anything, especially when it comes to meeting new people. BUT YANNO, I’ll throw in my two cents as well!
Now that we’re all introduced, let’s find some friends!

1. How often do you travel solo? When and where was your first solo trip? What were you most afraid of or nervous about for that trip?

Tosin: I travel solo at least once a year. My first solo trip was to Australia back in 2015. It was a graduation present and it was where I was introduce to the whole backpacking world.
riding a train solo as a woman
Traveling solo? No need to wait for your friends to hop on the train, you’ll meet plenty of new people on your travels!
Kay: Lol, Iike NEVER. But hear me out. I’ve traveled solo before, and I don’t like it. I’ve traveled to different states before when I was a kid, but I think as an adult, my first solo travel experiences started when I studied abroad in France. I do think traveling solo is a very eye opening experience though. So, maybe try it at least once. You might love it! For me, I’m a very anxious and generally uncomfortable person, so I was most nervous about having to interact with people. But yanno, I’m nervous about doing that when I walk into the grocery store so…
Something that I think is helpful, if you’re worried about traveling, is to make a list. Make a list of everything that is worrying you, and then try to think of solutions or something that would help alleviate those nerves. So if traveling solo makes you a little anxious, here is an example of what my list would look like:
  • worried about money – solution : research costs of hostels, food, and activities and make a budget
  • worried about taking photos – solution : invest in a tripod! Or ask people to take your picture
  • worried about getting lonely – solution : read this blog post and learn to make friends on the road!

2. When you are traveling solo, what are the determining factors for deciding where to go? Do you have any?

giving free hugs
“Me and my mom were on our way back home when we ran into a man named Chris holding a Free Hugs sign. Me being me hugged him and thanked him for such a great act of kindness. He then offers me a sign and asks me to stand with him for a while. My little 5 minutes turned into like 20. I don’t know what it was about that time.. the hugging, Chris, the strangers thanking us? The whole thing was just o so special to me.” – Tosin
Tosin: I google safety. Safety is very important to me when deciding where to go. Especially, traveling as a female. I like to read other female blogs because they will speak from experience and prepare me in areas I didn’t know.
Kay: If I were more resourceful and good at preparing for things, I’d probably look into safety and ease of transport. However, I usually don’t think at all about that and just pick a place based on whichever popped up most recently on my Pinterest feed.
If meeting people is one of your main priorities, you could definitely look into if your destination has any events happening during your trip. Beer festivals or concerts are great places to meet new friends.

3. Where do you meet people while traveling?

Kay: I literally do everything in my power to AVOID talking to people when I travel, and yet people STILL manage to interact with me. I’d say most commonly people are very talkative at events (waiting in line for example haha) or on tours!
how to meet people while traveling
Tosin : “I met her at a party hostel in Krabi, Thailand. We both saw a girl throwing up and helped her together.” And thus, an instant friendship was born
Tosin: I stay in hostels when I travel solo. I stay in party hostels actually. I find that people are so much nicer there. Your odds of also meeting other solo travelers are higher there even if you dont want to party. Another good place to meet people is a walking tour. I’ve met people im still friends with today through that.
Tosin is right! One of the easiest places to meet people is at your accommodations! Hostels are especially filled with other travelers wanting to connect! But, hostels aren’t the only place! While staying at an all-inclusive resort in Cabo, I met lots of other travelers while chilling at the pool and at the buffet. After chatting, we planned to meet up at the resort events (water polo and beach aerobics), and even explored the town together -drunk- in search of a dance floor!

4. How can you spot people that are willing to talk or hang out?

Tosin: I dont really have a good radar to spot people. I sort of just insert myself in a conversation or I ask a question and then from there we start chatting about life. Depending on how they respond, I know whether the person is social or not.
Kay: Oh, I can definitely spot them. Usually, people that want to talk to you are looking at you. Once you make eye contact, they generally smile or wave or something. Also people who are making the funny commentary on tours are always down for a conversation. I tend to run the other way or stuff my mouth with garlic bread. But that’s just me. It’s fun making friends and you should try it out! It’s a lot easier to meet people than it seems!
meeting people when traveling
Tosin: “He slept on the top bunk in our hostel in Colombia. He was so wonderful and visited us in every city we were in while in Colombia.”
People that want to talk to you definitely have a vibe. Trust your gut and just start with a simple hello 🙂 Or the classic, “do you have any idea what that police officer just said to us?”

5. Do people ever start up conversations with you? How do you make yourself seem approachable?

Kay: Ahah, surprisingly, not really. I think it’s because I have a RCF. Resting constipated face. I think generally, people are attracted to other friendly looking people. So people who are smiling or having a good time.
Tosin: People to start up conversations with me. Im usually singing or doing something silly around the hostel that someone cant help but comment on.
taking a fitness class abroad
Learning sweet Thai dances and making friends at the same time! Win win!
Kay: See what I mean? Making friends is a two way street! If you want to make friends, you gotta give off at least a semi-approachable vibe, right? In general, I feel like people are more likely come up to you and interact with you if you are in a good mood, smiling, and engaged in whatever you’re doing. Who would YOU rather talk to : someone frowning and slouched in the corner with giant headphones on, or the person laughing and interacting with the environment around them? My tip is to have fun and people will want to have fun with you.
If you’re traveling somewhere for a while, joining classes and groups while abroad is also a great way to meet people! Dance classes especially, since you automatically bond over a new learning experience! When I was living in France, I joined a gym! I didn’t actually meet any French people there, BUT I met some other cool expats and students and we would meet up to lift together and then get lunch after.

6. Okay, so you make the initial meeting….now what?? Have you ever continued hanging out with people during a trip? What’s the wildest experience you’ve had with people you met on a trip?

Tosin: When I flew to Malaysia, I met people by just sharing the same room with them. They told me they were doing a hike the next day, so I sort of invited myself. A girl I hadn’t met before turned up the day of the hike. Her & I ended up being at the back of the group and bonded through our lack of endurance. She is now a good friend to me and meet up whenever we can.
how to make friends abroad
Tosin: “I met her on a random hike! We were the stragglers that hitched-hiked our way to the top.”
Kay: Yeahhh, so when I was in France, we bought some 2 euro champagne for Halloween and some people thought we were down to party. We were. We got invited to their flat and drank…a lot. Hahahah. Then we continued hanging out after that, but definitely Halloween shenanigans were the most exciting.
Once you meet someone cool and start hanging out with them, the fun doesn’t have to stop once the trip is over! They can become life long pals! Add them on WhatsApp and social media! Most of the people I talk to on a daily basis, we communicate via internet.

7. Do you think it is important to meet people and interact with locals AND other travelers while you are traveling?

Tosin: I think interacting with locals should be priority. Meet travelers should be the added bonus. The greatest part about meeting travelers is they up inspiring you in a way you never expected. They teach lessons, one way or another.
how to meet new people while traveling
Sometimes you even run into people that you may know on social media, like when Tosin met Instagram friend @zoaesis (shown here). Or when Tosin met @carinaotero (from @sheisnotlost) in the first picture.
Kay: Oh definitely! And I feel like they both offer something different. Locals can give you the real scoop on their home and culture. With other travelers, you can bond over experiencing a new place. I’d say talk to both, but yanno, do whatever feels right to you!

8. What are your top 5 tips to meeting friends while traveling?

 1. Be Confident – if you’re a nervous or awkward person, don’t worry, most people are. If you think you spot someone who looks cool, just go for it! Find something pleasant to break the ice if that helps. If you like their shoes, shoot them a compliment. Think of the situation, how would you want someone to approach YOU ?
 2. Be open minded – you meet people in the most unlikely of places. Of course, be aware of your surroundings and the situation, but you can meet fun people at a bus stop, at a silent disco, or even sitting right next to you on a plane. THAT SAID – don’t be that person who doesn’t take a hint. If someone doesn’t want to talk to you, LET THEM BE. Especially if you’re on a 12 bus ride and they’re trying to sleep.
 3. Social Media – I know, I know, you want to me people ‘THE REAL WAY’ whatever that means. But hear me out. Social media is a great tool, and YES, it can help you meet people in REAL life too. For example, if you have internet friends (that you’ve been talking to a while and can confirm they probably aren’t crazy), traveling is the perfect way to meet up with them! You could even plan a trip with them! There are also lots of travel fb groups – some specific to a country or city – and there are usually other travelers out there looking to meet up!
4. Ask the questions – once you meet the new potential friend, get to know them! Ask them questions! You all know how to hold a conversation, right? Be engaging!
 5. Enjoy every second
meeting people at resorts
Randomly stumbled into IG: @wheretopeanut at an all inclusive resort! It was one of the highlights of my trip
So there you have it folks! 5 super simple and easy tips to get your started on your world wide quest to make friends around the globe! How often do you try meeting new people when you travel? What are some of your tips for breaking the ice?

Sharing is caring!

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  1. lmaooo y’all are DEF the complete opposites! I really enjoyed reading this. I tend to be really anxious too, but every time I meet someone abroad it’s always a good time so I gotta try to put myself out there more!

    1. I can’t imagine ANYONE not enjoying meeting you! I gotta do the same !

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